Title One

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 is the current iteration of the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act), the federal government's primary mechanism for holding public schools accountable, closing achievement gaps among different student populations and supporting schools in improvement efforts. ESSA creates a long-term stable federal policy that gives states additional flexibility and encourages states and schools to innovate, while at the same time being accountable for results.  There are two ESEA Title Programs that provide us with federal funds.  Each year the Maine DOE issues a report card for each district.  The ESEA Report Card may be found at the following link: https://www.maine.gov/doe/dashboard

Title IA ensures that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on Maine’s Learning Results/Common Core State Standards.  

Hancock Grammar School uses these dollars to fund highly qualified staff to deliver Reading Recovery® and Title IA supplemental literacy and math services to eligible students. Generally, students scoring below the 60th percentile on the fall math or reading NWEA are identified for services.  Yasmin Beal is our 1.0 full-time Literacy Specialist and Renee Clark is our 1.0 full-time Reading Recovery and Title One Teacher. These positions are supported through a combination of Federal Title One and local funds. HGS Title One Identified students receive targeted instruction individually or in small groups on a daily basis, in addition to their regular classroom literacy and math programming. Additional Federal Title Funds are designated annually and may be used to support the professional development of staff, books or materials for Title One Students or in other areas to support the learning needs of individual students.   

An advisory committee meets annually to review our Title IA policy and to seek input about training and/or information needed to help extend and reinforce your child’s learning and achievement.  If you would like to join, please contact the Title IA Coordinator, Renee Clark at 422-6231.  Several times a year we report Title IA information to the Hancock School Committee and our community at a regular meeting.  The agenda is posted in advance and public input is welcomed as we develop our annual application and report on our progress.

The Hancock Grammar School also has a Parent/School/Community Compact that is reviewed yearly.   If you would like to participate, please contact our Title 1A Coordinator, Renee Clark at 422-6231.

The following resources may be of assistance to you: